— a culmination of 45 years of research and application
Holographic Universe Books on How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

William Eastwood’s books are based on the holographic universe and how your thoughts create your reality. Eastwood lived his life according to the holographic universe paradigm.
At age 12 he applied the principles of holographic reality successfully. Within a year he was working in a private research and development facility on a modern version of an astrolabe for a Yale University professor.
His many achievements are detailed in his websites where he uses himself as an example of what anyone can do by applying the methods he gives them in his easy to understand books.
“I tested the holographic universe paradigm beginning at age 12, and it has been working like magic ever since!”
— William Eastwood.
45 years of research goes into every book
A journey out of the illusion that will change your life
Events are a projection of your mind and five senses
Eastwood brings you the greatest news story ever! Revolutionary discoveries by Einstein and other great physicists that were blocked by the elite are revealed.
Eastwood takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny. Get it now and your life will change forever!
"Your environment is a projection of the mind that you control. You can create anything you want in life."
— William Eastwood.
Why is Eastwood someone we should listen to?
"I knew that the Universe was a projection of the mind at age 12 and that External Science was misleading us all. I was upset by the flawed nature and negativity of external science, and so I created Internal Science, a more accurate paradigm of reality.
"Infinite wisdom is within your own consciousness and is trying to get your attention. Don't let your education interfere with your learning."
— William Eastwood.
"Science belongs to everyone, and so rather than use the complex terminology of the scientific elite, I aligned with every man, woman and child to make the truth accessible and helpful to everyone. The world is in a dangerous trance, and "The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion," breaks that trance and reveals the greatest news story ever, that should have happened but didn't.
"At 12, I left the academic community in order to be intelligent. I left the allure of acclaim to be my authentic self — a humanitarian assisting everyone everywhere with World Help."
All my books are based on the holographic universe paradigm and all of them tell you how your thoughts create your reality. The science does not interest me as much as applying the principles. Once you know the secret you realize that you are in paradise. Anything you love and are emotional about is easy to manifest because your beliefs, thoughts and emotions are projected holographically to form the events of your life.
The natural laws of the universe that apply are easy to learn, but because they are the opposite of what we were taught when we were young, many people give up before they manifest what they want. There is a delay between when you think something and when it manifests. If everything you thought about manifested instantly, you would be in a whole lot of trouble. The delay protects you. It gives you time to change your mind or reinforce what you want to create. But I know from my studies that the holographic universe principles of application do work.
The holographic universe paradigm is scientific terminology for “your thoughts create your reality.” I write on how your thoughts create your reality and I focus mostly on the principles of application. This is what everyone wants anyway.
The secret to creating what you want is in the emotional component primarily. In general, your beliefs will generate trails of thoughts and emotions, and all three manifest as your reality. But your emotions are the most powerful. If you can channel your thoughts and emotions properly and consistently, you can create just about anything. But you must be aware of the delay and you must be patient.
Events happen when they want to happen. If there are obstacles, the events that you wish for don’t necessarily manifest right away. Those obstacles can be internal or external. If you are visualizing yourself walking on the moon and you are not an astronaut, for example, you are unlikely to be able to manifest that goal in a short time frame. However, by visualizing yourself doing that you might be surprised at what happens. It may just be that you end up in an astronaut camp training in a simulator with astronauts that actually have walked on the moon. Or, you may discover astral travel, in which case you can walk on the moon in a less physical body. Reality is magical. I use that word purposely because the results I have seen, go beyond anything our external science suggests is possible.
“The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,” gives you a rare and unique perspective of reality.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Journey out of the illusion
Yes, Your reality is a projection of your consciousness
Because it is a projection of your own consciousness, it is under your control. You can change anything at will. This is not hard to do, you are already creating your own reality. You basically create whatever you focus on and believe.
There is, however, a lot to learn. And application, more so than knowledge, is power.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein.
In my holographic universe books on how your thoughts create your reality, I teach how to apply the principles of the holographic universe to manifest what you want with your thoughts. The principles work and they can be relied upon. They are as consistent as a law of gravity, but as magical as a wizard’s spell. Reality is an amazing thing. It is designed so that we can have whatever we want in life. If you know the secret, anything is possible.
“If time and space are a projection of the mind, you can change time and space with your mind.”
— William Eastwood.
Books by William Eastwood are based on holographic universe theory and offer an array of methods by which you can change the projection to your benefit.

The Holographic universe books
“The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,” is a book that gives you a unique perspective.
“The Holographic Universe – Journey Out of the Illusion” opens with the historical context of a revolutionary series of giant events from a perspective never before shown, from the perspective of a person that has perceived his reality through the lens of holographic reality his entire life. For 45 years Eastwood has lived the holographic reality paradigm ahead of the researchers, scientists and philosophers of his day. He shares his perspective with you in a unique book that gives you insights into what he has learned and how you can change your projection of reality. He shares his journey out of the illusion and instructs you on how to do the same. He tells you exactly how you can create what you want in life based on his over 45 years of research and experience.
Eastwood is the author of over 20 books based on the holographic universe theory of reality.
Founder of Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc & creator of C = Ef = M

As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world’s top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did.
How did he do it?
— William Eastwood.
What is the holographic universe?
The reality around you is a projection of the mind, brain and five senses, according to physicist David Bohm, who was a friend and colleague of Albert Einstein. Einstein called Bohm a "kindred spirit."
I arrived at the same conclusion 45 years ago through the study of subjective science, metaphysics or whatever term you prefer. I created the term "International Philosophy" to describe the practical life philosophy or psychology of application that I had developed during my 45 year study.
International Philosophy
The mind does filter perception on a conscious and subconscious level according to what you believe, think and feel. That alone will cause you to notice things that could help you achieve those goals you are focused on. However, so far, I have only mentioned perception.
The mind creates and projects. The projection is composed of consciousness. This view is supported by the science.
Reality is an ongoing projection, there are no beginnings and endings because there is no time, and each person is a separate dimension of reality created out of the substance of their own consciousness. When four people enter a room, there are four rooms. Each person collapses one room from an infinity of probabilities. The projection is created on inner levels of consciousness by what you believe, think and feel. This is international philosophy — the facts of reality, which I knew at age 12. With that as my starting point, the past 45-years have led to many practical insights that I share in my books and free articles.
Your senses construct the reality they perceive. If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind and around you. When you turn to see what is there, in that moment you collapse an infinite range of probable events into one specific scene and set of physical objects and events.
Each of your five senses collapses the sense perception it is in charge of. Your eyes specify one probability visually. You are actually surrounded by an infinite field of probabilities, but your physical eyes can only tune into one field of probability at a time. When you use your physical eyes, you do not see the millions of probable realities that surround you in the spacious present.
All your senses are coordinated so each perceives the same probability. You senses are always on the "same page," so to speak.
This is backed by the science of Einstein's colleague, quantum physicist, David Bohm. It is also obvious from the double-slit experiment.
This is a subjective science that has a heart and soul. Consciousness is universal and fundamental. Consciousness projects itself into matter. The mind constructs the physical environment and the body. Being universal and fundamental, the nature of the universe hinges on the nature of consciousness, and consciousness is altruistic.
Individuality is a very real expression of consciousness, and therefore the individual is altruistic. By its very nature, consciousness is altruistic and intelligent.
We have an intelligent and altruistic universe that comes to know itself through its individualized portions. You are the portion of this infinite, intelligent and altruistic consciousness that wears your name.
Holographic film is unique in that if you smash it into pieces, each piece will project the whole image projected by the entire film before it was smashed. In the same way, the holographic universe paradigm tells us that the individual projects the whole universe. This is only possible because on deep inner levels the individual is connected to the entire universe. Individuality does not contradict unity. The altruistic intelligence of the entire universe is expressed through individuality. In a way, each individual is a different version of the universe.
Because the universe is of good intent, so is the individual. However, the individual is given freedom. This means that the individual can believe otherwise. When this happens the individual projects his or her beliefs into events that reflect the belief that the individual is not altruistic. The nature of your life reflects what you believe you are. Your life reflects your beliefs as to the nature of reality. If you believe that reality is cruel and competitive, then that will be your reality. This is the mistake the human race is making.
This is why Albert Einstein said that believing that the universe is friendly is so important.
In the holographic universe paradigm, we create our reality. Each individual is the author of their reality. When you believe that the universe is altruistic and cooperative, your beliefs are in line with the intrinsic reality of consciousness. If you believe that the universe is uncaring and that you are undeserving, then you project that set of beliefs as your reality. You are creating what you believe, think and feel. If your assumptions are negative, that is what you create and experience. This is why I say that we must believe we are good and base our civilization on this firm belief in our goodness.
In fact, because we have not been doing that we have division and chaos. Poor behavior, incarceration and division are a product of the negative and inaccurate mainstream materialism paradigm (materialism / physicalism) expressed as the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and resulting behavior of the individual.
You are a beautiful person and your nature is good.
You are good and the universe is kind.
You must believe that. It is true.
International Philosophy
The unhappiness and division in America is due to Americans thinking they know it all. They have not found answers, happiness or peace because of their beliefs. The world's problems are a result of using the wrong scientific paradigm to try to solve those problems.
Your immediate reality is a composite of your own life force projected onto a platform that is like an invisible stage we share with others. We telepathically agree on where and when we are. These are the rules of the game we agree to when we enter the physical system (a specific range of electromagnetic frequencies).
You have full freedom to create whatever you want within the boundaries given. The intellect creates beliefs, thoughts and feelings and the inner self uses these as a yardstick to create events. There is a time-lag between subjective activity and its materialization. Emotions, however, manifest quickly. The time-lag protects you from having fearful and negative thoughts of your own manifest instantly. The momentum of other thoughts and emotions modify your fears so that they do not blow up in your face.
"A major physics discovery in January 2023 advances Internal Science and David Bohm's holographic universe theory."
— William Eastwood
January 2023 report: A significant new discovery in physics
Reported in January 2023, A team of physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have used light that existed at the beginning of the universe to smash gold ions, and in doing so have discovered dissimilar particles undergoing quantum entanglement.
Imagine an alien civilization a trillion years in the future on the opposite side of the universe from an ancient planet that existed prior to the formation of the earth. According to the study's finding, instantaneous exchange of information is possible between these two points in time and space.
How is this possible?
The answer is startling!
A new Earth-Network.org article.
Recent scientific discoveries
"Physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have discovered a completely new type of quantum entanglement..."
Multiple observers are responsible for creating our physical reality by collapsing non-physical fields into physical matter we call the universe.
Observers create reality out of non-physical fields.
The quantum hologram theory (the holographic theory of consciousness).
The best holographic universe books in 2023
“The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,” is the best holographic universe book in 2023. Available as a paperback and ebook. However, all the books below are based on the holographic universe theory paradigm and all of them tell you how to apply the principles correctly to create what you want with your thoughts.
45 years of research has been put into a collection of powerful world-changing books that show you how to use Internal Science to create what you want in life.
Written for Earth Network by William Eastwood.
“I broke with physicalism to pursue infinite intelligence.”
— William Eastwood.
45 years of research goes into every publication
Create the life you want with the book that can solve all problems, both public and private
Why was "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," so important in world history?
"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that was important because from it we learned that the earth was not the center of the universe.
Now another paradigm-shift is taking place, and "The Solution..." has many similarities to Copernicus's book.
"The human race is in the most important transition since the birth of self-consciousness." — William Eastwood.
"When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can learn how easy it is to change it." — William Eastwood.
This unique book has the potential to stop violence, division, unhappiness, destructive institutions and even illness, and will instead create peace and prosperity for humanity.
More importantly, Eastwood's book tells you exactly how to create wealth, money, love, health and everything desirable based on his formula derived largely from the science of theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a former colleague and friend of Albert Einstein.
The intrigue, the mystery... what is so important about this book?
"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that changed the universe.
— "We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.C.
The Rosenthal effect explains why scientists can prove their theories even if they are incorrect! This is the reason for dangerous fake news and division in America.
Eastwood does not use scientific terminology that is difficult to understand. Every book he writes tells you how to create what you want in life in a plain and simple language that anyone in any country can understand.
Why is Eastwood someone we should listen to?
Is it because he worked for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors?
Not necessarily. But it does make you wonder what this kind of person wants to tell you after 45 years of research into the real cause of humanity's problems and the science of someone Albert Einstein worked with and defended at Princeton.
Do not neglect the solution to all of humanity's problems and the secret to creating the life you want! Everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private. Get “The Solution...” now, and add it to your best book collection!
"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.
How to move from hell to paradise

Our most effective tool to manifest is an audiobook you just listen to during the day or before you go to sleep, and the law of attraction does the rest.
The habit of thinking in affirmations will serve you for the rest of your life.
If you do not change your mental and emotional habits, little is going to help you. Working harder will just make your situation worse.
There is a much easier way…
Manifesting technology — not a book!
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- No effort necessary!
This hypnosis inducing goal delivery system gives you hypnotic sound and highly effective programming for success. Earth Network affirmations and this scientifically designed hypnosis goal delivery system will immediately free you from negative thinking habits and put you on the high road to success.
The accelerated state of the art manifesting technology we used in this goal delivery system goes beyond the word “audiobook” because it works like magic to materialize your personal order to the universe.
There is a better way to live your life. What are you waiting for? Make every day the best day possible and create your dreams with this new audio book goal delivery system.
New release on Audible, studio produced, narrated by Scott Eastwood.
Your Higher Power will manifest whatever you want
A musical message by the artist narrator, Scott Eastwood.
Also available in eBook format
The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

“How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep.”
“All my books are focused on the most important thing to know in life
“How you can create what you want in life in a much easier way than we were all taught.”
— Eastwood

45 45-years of research goes into every publication
45 45-years of research goes into every publication
A powerful gift to yourself or others
Link to Amazon: International 5 STAR Review
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…Some people are dealing with traumatic situations and lack of food, or in some way desperately need help. The support we provide can show them how they can get their next meal or feed their children.
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“There are ways to use this science to make money. Wealth and personal safety are easy. I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22, because this philosophy WORKS LIKE MAGIC!”
The secrets in all my books can be used to achieve any goal, no matter what it is. Every book is loaded with tips, secrets and insights that will help you to manifest your goals and dreams. Nothing is a higher priority than your own self and life. The path to your dreams is right here.
“Our traditional beliefs about human nature create a downward spiral of thinking and behavior. However, as more and more people realize what is happening and abandon those beliefs, they begin climbing. Everything then changes in their lives.”
— Eastwood.

MISSION: Bring an end to suffering and conflict globally; distribute food and supplies to where they are needed most in the world; provide opportunity to all people across the globe; transition humanity to a new era; transform public institutions and private lives; form a new field of science, and reform education systems globally.
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“If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”
(Like finding a treasure at the exact moment he made that statement at age seven.)
…Some people are dealing with traumatic situations and lack of food, or in some way desperately need help. The support we provide can show them how they can get their next meal or feed their children.
Holographic Universe Books on How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
© Copyright 2023, By: William Eastwood
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Categories: Holographic universe books on how your thoughts create your reality. Holographic reality. Holographic reality application. The secret and the power of your thoughts and emotions. Can thoughts form matter? Click on our site and books to learn more.