Why you don’t have to get Coronavirus
You don’t have to get coronavirus because nothing in nature happens for no reason. We do not live in a universe that was created by chance and which is governed by Darwin’s theories and survival of the fittest. Disease or infection are actually not an attack but a symbiotic relationship.
The best immunity for disease is to follow your higher purpose and achieve your goals in life. If you are doing your best and making good decisions, doing things that help others, more energy and assistance comes through your soul or inner self. Your best insurance is doing your best.
If we focus on our fears we can attract them to us. Create a positive body image of health and youthful energy. Identify with the brand new cells in your body. Continue to learn more about internal science. Physicalism has been discarded by top physicists for about six decades. But mainstream thinking has not changed and is still based on physicalism. This website will teach you what you need to know to remain healthy and prosperous.
You do not have to get coronavirus. You do not have to take excessive precautions. However, because our belief systems materialize as our reality, it is good to take precautions, as long as they are not overdone.
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— William Eastwood
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“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.” ― Albert Einstein
Prolific author
International Political Influencer
"I left orthodoxy and the allure of prestigious acclaim to align myself with the ordinary man, woman and child."
"Because people from all over the world liked the principles I was teaching, I coined it 'International Philosophy.'"
To those who insist on the old belief systems and feel threatened by the new science I say, "I didn't create the problems in the world today."
I am offering the world something that actually works
When it comes to solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don't work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will create peace and prosperity.
"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."
Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.
What does that statement mean?
It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with the simple principles given in these books. I created these books to provide simple and easy to understand principles anyone and everyone can use to improve their life. These books all make your goals easy to achieve.
"At age 13, I left orthodoxy and the allure of prestigious acclaim to align myself with the ordinary man, woman and child."
The president of the United States says that Vladimir Putin may trigger a nuclear “Armageddon.” A potentially catastrophic climate emergency threatens our very survival, democracies across the globe are under attack, the UN warns us of a coming world food shortage and the World Bank says a world recession looms.
"Because people from all over the world liked the principles I was teaching, I coined it 'International Philosophy.'"
45 45-years of research brings you a simple, practical life philosophy that works!
William Eastwood: Founder of International Philosophy.
Where we are
According to Albert Einstein's colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive.
Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, this scientific paradigm may have replaced physicalism as our world's accepted science.
Documentation Princeton University.
William Eastwood applied Bohm's science to test its ability to solve world problems and help people achieve their goals before Bohm even introduced “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in 1980.
45 William Eastwood's 45-years of research brings you everything you ever wanted!
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Click on the spinning globe at the top of most pages to go to the daily affirmation post.
Tool to find what you want
Think of probabilities as avenues of action open to you. A probability is a non-physical series of events that can become physically manifest. Each action increase the total range of probabilities open to you.
Out of one thing you do today, three more possibilities could arise. Going to the store, for example, puts you in contact with others, and the probability of interaction with each person. There is a science you can learn to create only positive events with your thoughts.
Ordinary probabilities are the things you do every day. An unusual probability could be meeting an old friend who mentions a book. Upon reading it you end up taking a new direction in life.
Unforeseen fortunate probabilities, also called synchronistic events, are triggered by your positive conscious focus and thinking in life. But the work done to create them happens at deeper levels of your own consciousness.
Your beliefs must also support the possibility of having what you want. Any assumption is a belief. "Murphy's law" is a common hindering assumption held by people who say that their positive thinking does not work. In its simplest form, Murphy's Law states: If anything can go wrong, it will. You may think, "if it is something good, it is hard to get and if it is something I want, someone will try to take it from me." These are the kind of assumptions are invisible barriers to success that you want to reject and dismiss. But you need to know how to do that.
You do have free will to think what you want to think. You can change your thoughts to create what you want in life. Affirmations and imagination can move concepts in and out of your mind.
You can create your own good luck.
My daily affirmation and guidance post offers high-level training, but the ability to implement positive thinking is up to you.
Some people believe that they are a product of everything that has and is happening to them. This is called an external locus of control. Our meritocracy creates a sense of powerlessness. Mind over matter nonlinear thinking can make you powerful or you can remain stuck in beliefs that cause all your problems.
A person who feels that their job, position, circumstances or outside forces control them has an external center. These types of people cannot manifest what they want in life.
How often and to what degree do you use willpower or other means to make things happen for you? You can will your thoughts to manifest as material events, objects and reality. Can you heal with nonlinear thinking , use conscious co-creation and solve problems the new way?
Do you know how to create a miracle, or how to be a billionaire?
Do you lock in on what you want like an archer locking in on the bullseye, or like a child who wants a new pair of sneakers? Young children intuitively feel that they control reality with their thoughts. Do you acquire your goal subjectively? Or do you have a lot of thoughts about the perceived obstacles, like not having enough money, or needing to spend money on something else?
Do you control your life in some areas, and then profess that others are impeding your freedom and ability to have what you want in life in other areas? If you have a lot of negative emotion in reaction to people that you believe are a hindrance, you have an external center. Do you even know where you form your reality? If not, you can benefit by immersing yourself in a study of the subject of manifesting thoughts into events, objects and reality.
You can remain safe in the middle of chaos and disasters. The new enlightenment will tell you if you are a good person.
Believing you are good is the secret to success. Einstein said that asking yourself if you live in a friendly universe is the most important question. If we get rid of authoritarians and the worst bullies by arresting Trump and assassinating Putin, more will show up unless we have a plan and change our psychology.
The U.S. could be ruled by a ruthless dictator, and unless we understand the cause of climate change and work to save the earth, take back our rights from the Supreme Court, radicals and their cult-like mainstream worldviews, we could be further divided and civilization in peril.
Or we can go deep to understand who we really are, our multidimensional reality and amazing nature to create world peace.
If we understand exactly exactly how mind forms matter and the brain functions through a new unifying principle, learn appreciation and gratitude, and how to affect others, and influence events, we can create a great civilization.
You can learn how to get out of a difficult situation and create anything you want. Learn how to make today the best day possible.
If you want to know what you think and believe, ask yourself what you feel. Your feelings never lie.
When you are sure of yourself, and confidence is strong, you have a greater ability to manifest what you want in life and draw positive people into your life.
When you put control of anything outside of yourself the problem of not being able to create what you want could be related to self-confidence. You need to be confident that you can create what you want, and if you do not have this confidence you have to develop it.
Do for others what you would like others to do for you. Be kind and the world will reflect that back in what others do for you.
To manifest anything, you must think from the end. Manifesting involves imagining the desired end result as if it were already achieved. This is often called visualizing the wish-fulfilled. When we make our imagining as real as possible and wrap them in amplified positive emotions, we get a powerful result.
Earth Network multisite (mostly science) pages
Knowledge is power
Introduction: Einstein, Bohm and Eastwood. ThoughtsFormMatter.com
Overview of the science. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
C = Ef = M ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
Holographic reality: Events are a projection of your mind. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
A new science and philosophy of life. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
Why science and religion told us our thoughts do not create our reality. MindFormsMatter.com
There are no solid particles. MindFormsMatter.com
Exactly how thoughts create reality. MindFormsMatter.com
Secrets of the universe unveiled — Creation is continuous. ThoughtsFormMatter.com
The Altruistic Movement. ThoughtsFormMatter.com
The New Enlightenment. MindFormsMatter.com
The world is your creation; you can have anything you want. MindOverMatterPower.com
Eastwood: Universal author and free international philosophy; lineage, true story, interview documentation. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
An Einstein-Rosen Bridge has been opened! Time travel Colorado & what it has revealed about our future. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com
Secret Wisdom Books by William Eastwood. Lulu.com
This list above represents a mere fraction of our articles, but it consists of some of our best scientific articles.
Enjoy these articles, and remember, life is a journey, not a destination.
The purpose of Earth Network books and free advice, is to provide you with all you need to know to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.
The Holy Grail
Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.
Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.
If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.
International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality. The methods are given in our free articles and books to support the mission.
If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.
Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.
We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.
Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.
Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.
Why you don’t have to get coronavirus
© Copyright, 2022, By: William Eastwood. All Rights Reserved.
Why you don’t have to get Coronavirus.