How Do I Make More Money? How Can I Get Paid Without Working?

How do I make more money and get paid without working? Man with hundred dollar bills tells you how.

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


How Do I Make More Money? How Can I Get Paid Without Working?

  • How do I make more money?
  • How can I get paid without working?

I will answer these questions now.

How Do I Make More Money? UN. How Can I Get Paid Without Working?
The Inner UN.


The Inner UN.


How do I make more money without working more?

Make more money without working.

You can make more money without working more by utilizing the law of attraction principle of International Philosophy. People will tell you how to make money working but few know how to make money without working more or at all.

To make a lot more money without working, tap into your deepest desires and learn the secret. Desire is a source of energy. Go after what you want in all ways. Use intelligent common-sense strategies that make perfect sense and whatever works for you. But always know the secret — that what you create on the inside is manifested on the outside.

Click on any of the icons on this page to learn more about the secret — how you can make a million without working.


Thoughts can and do create matter and reality millionaire money
A website article.


How Do I Make More Money? WE. How Can I Get Paid Without Working?
William Eastwood.

Learning how to make more money without working is easy once you understand that everyone in the world is trying to make money the hard way. There is the hard way to make money and then there is the easy way to make more money. You can use your thoughts to make more money without working more if you do not do what most people do. 97% of the population create by default.




How Do I Make Manifest More Money? How Can I Get Paid Without Working?
A website article.



“If you want to know how to make more money and get paid without working, you have to learn about Internal Science and International Philosophy.” — William Eastwood.



Your thoughts create your reality


William Eastwood books. International philosophy how to create anything with thoughts form matter power.
A website article.


The secret power of your thoughts universal principles
A website article.


How can I get paid without working more or at all?

Get paid without working.

Yes, you can make more money and get paid without working by manifesting with visualization and holding the feeling of the wish fulfilled. You just have to know how this is done and why it works. I will tell you how you can get paid without working now.

The way you can get paid without working by being smarter

The smartest people in history knew how to get paid without working. The secret to getting paid without working is by learning how to create with the mind.


Community Living Off-Grid: Spiritual, Positive & Humanitarian
A website article.


Everything that exists in the world first existed in the mind. What does that have to do with getting paid without working, you ask? A lot. If you take control of your thoughts, you can manifest any wish just as if you had a genie who granted you unlimited wishes. It is only a matter of using your mind as it was meant to be used, which is what I help people to do.



Changes Daily

A FREE tool for personal transformation and to get paid and make more money without working more. website article.


“If you want to know how to make more money and get paid without working, listen to what I am saying, but do more than just think about it” — William Eastwood.


William Eastwood author educator
William Eastwood.

"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."



Make more money and get paid without working with imagination
The secrets lie with the smartest people on earth.

People like designers and inventors created things in their mind by drawing plans and then having other people do the work of creating them. But, according to the science of Einstein and Bohm, you can eliminate the working part. You can use your mind to make money and get paid without ever having to work.

Here’s how it works: Visualize what you want and create the feeling of having it already. Picture it in your mind vividly. Do not think about anything but making more money and getting paid without having to work. Picture yourself telling those you know how you made more money and got paid without having to work. See the money and see yourself making money without working.


More and more money.


Why does this work? Most people think that their thoughts do not do any work. They believe that making more money or getting paid without having to work is impossible, and that is why they cannot do it. You have to believe you can do it or it will not work.



Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.

Manifesting Power Book

A Guide to Manifesting Money

Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.

Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.

The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.

It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.


Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals Eastwood


Einstein may have known the secret. But his ideas were so advanced and different from what people already believed that no one could understand him. If you want to make more money and get paid without working, read our books, and if you can’t afford a book, get the free book advertised below.



Why is 2025 so important?

Join the commission
2025 will be the year that the commission to unify the world will be formed.

2025 is the year the commission to unify the world will be launched.

Returning the power to the individual. Join the movement to a new world.




Who writes 25 books in five years?

Books by William Eastwood for the 2025 mission.


We are just getting ready for the main event!

50-years of research is for the first time being made available to the public in 25 books


Powerful, unique books packed with practical insight to help you to create the life you desire! — William Eastwood


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Prices provided in U.S. dollars: Convert U.S. dollars to foreign currency.


Any dream, no matter what it is, can be made real.




Intelligent people read books

To learn how to manifest with metaphysical principles, realize that you can get ten-times the information in written information in half the time that it takes to get the same amount of information in most videos. You can scan book paragraphs to find the information you need in seconds. When you are watching videos, however, you may have to hear someone's life story before you may even get one little bit of information, and it may not even be what you need.


Because no one believed him no one discovered that making more money and getting paid without having to work was possible. Because they did not believe it was possible, they did not try to do it. But you can. You can learn how to make more money and get paid without having to work. Get our free book. The concepts in it can be applied to making more money without working more.



Get your FREE PDF book (by William Eastwood)

EASTWOOD philanthropy: Powerful knowledge for all ages.


Thoughts can and do form matter presents a free book to help those in need
CLICK HERE TO GET OUR FREE BOOK: A thinking strategy for happiness, personal power and success!


The only thing you need to do is be really smart and keep learning. I will tell you have how to make more money and get paid without having to work or buy my books.


A website article.


I do make money without working, at least now physically, and I enjoy my work and so it does not feel like I am working. I do it by selling books, but you do not have to write or buy books to learn how. You can if you want to, but I have hundreds of free articles that tell you how to do create what you want in life with your mind.


Get paid without working.


Because you have to believe you can make more money and get paid without working, you have to change what you think is possible. To expand what you think is possible you need a new worldview. A worldview is the way you look at things in general. It is your interpretation of reality and life.

That worldview needs to come from the world’s smartest people I mentioned. Because you can believe smart people it is possible for you to believe them. And if you can believe them you can make more money and get paid without having to work.

I spent a long time explaining what people need to know to create my book advertisements, so read those first. Then read whatever article you like by clicking on the images below.


An example of how thoughts create an event
A website article.


“If you want to know how to make more money and get paid without working, you have to focus on money and on what you want.” — William Eastwood.


Thoughts form matter presents: Materialize success
A website article.


How to make and attract money
A website article.


I recently visualized receiving $2,000 following my own advice in my daily affirmation page and within a month I received an unexpected free $2,100.00. I did the same thing again for more and it worked again. I got another unexpected check for $700.00 and then about $20,000.00 in monthly payments over a period of two years. If that’s not making money and getting paid without working, I don’t know what is!


A website article.


“If you want to know how to make more money and get paid without working, you can manifest money with your mind.” — William Eastwood.


A website article.


A website article.


You can learn how to make more money and get paid without having to work by understanding that your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. Then you must control what you think and feel until you get whatever it is you want.


Click on image to learn more.




How can I manifest money easily without working?

Manifesting or making more money without having to work is best done by bypassing cause and effect on a physical level and going directly to the most desirable probabilities and outcomes you want in your mind.




How come people don’t believe that they can make more money and get paid without having to work? It is because of the power of myths. Everyone can be wrong. Your thoughts do create matter and reality.



"I have exactly what you want to read today."

— William Eastwood.


International Philosophy


RARE & POWERFUL KNOWLEDGE FOUND NOWHERE ELSEHow your thoughts form matter create reality articles

The solution to all problems, public and private! Click above to begin a journey like no other!


By means of your own total absorption in the concepts presented — and in my books also I hope — you will be able to make more money and get paid without having to work.


How can I make more money and get paid without ever working?

The methods are simple, but you must learn and apply them properly. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. By managing these three elements you can change your personal experience to bring it in line with what you want your life to be.

If you want to change your life you have to change your thoughts.



Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.

Success Guaranteed

The method given in "Success Guaranteed..." works like magic and can be used to create anything you want no matter what it is or how big it is. When you apply the simple principles within this incredible book, you activate a magical internal process that manifests your desire and allows you to enter your own life of ‘dreams-come-true.’

“I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22, because the philosophy I was testing continued to work like magic!” — William Eastwood.

You can apply the principles in 'SUCCESS GUARANTEED...' to manifest money and become successful overnight. They do work.

This book is packed with simple practical insights that show you how to create whatever you want, no matter what it is. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Get this spectacular book now and add it to your best-book collection!


Thoughts create matter Thoughts form reality success guaranteed


Before you begin, realize that there is a time lag between when you imagine making more money and getting paid without working and the eventual manifestation. Be ready and willing to work at stopping the momentum of past thoughts. Belief systems must be changed, but there are easy and difficult ways to do this.

From inner levels of consciousness events are formed and projected into our holographic reality. What you think with your conscious mind determines what is created on the deepest inner level and then this is projected as a hologram by your five senses to become your reality here.

Success is guaranteed when you understand and correctly apply the principle of attracting probabilities (click below).


A website article and book.


The fastest way to create wealth. article.


You are creating your life now by selecting probabilities.  You attract and create probabilities by what you believe, think and feel.

Your thoughts manifest


Money is energy that you create through positive thinking and prosperity consciousness



Photo by: Berkeli Alashov.


AF Read today’s affirmations.


Making more money is about focusing your mind

Where you focus your attention largely determines if you can make more money without working. Where you focus your attention is the difference between a life of obstacles and frustration, and one of success and attainment.

The reactive mind


The old and not too swift mind is reactive. Rather than react to negative events by feeling bad, react by creating what you would rather see in its place. To create more money without working, affirm that you already are making money and getting paid without working. You are making more money and getting paid without having to work. How does that feel?

You use your beliefs and expectations to create events. You believe in and expect what you want. You can also will it.

Treasure I materialized

As a child I materialized a platinum watch with 36 diamonds mounted on the case.

At age 13 I asked my subconscious to send me to the nearest treasure. The next day I found a historic belt buckle that resembled a 50 dollar gold coin and other very rare artifacts buried in the ground.

Recently I focused on finding treasure and found this ring that may have been lost, or I created it.




I manifested this Italian white gold $2,600.00  BVLGARI ring in 2020 at the time I was working on my website articles on how to make money by manifesting it. I absorbed and internalized the energy of the photos (below) and manifested gold.



The energy I project with my mind is like the gold, so the ring appeared to me. I used the ring in the photo of my manifesting course below.



Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.

You Are a Beautiful Person

A complete course (by William Eastwood)

  • A complete course!
  • The key to manifesting your dreams and goals!
  • You cannot manifest effectively if you do not realize that you are a beautiful person.

According to William Eastwood, the human spirit is altruistic, and so are you. This insight is an important part of what makes his philosophy so effective as well as unique in the world today. If you do not believe in your natural goodness, it will be difficult to create what you want in life.

Eastwood tells you how beautiful you are in very strong and clear terms that will reinforce your positive qualities — forever.

This book is packed full of powerful and practical secrets, tips and insights on how to manifest the life you want and to be free of all limitations.

This course represents the best he has to offer, a message that the human spirit is good and guidance for people to enable them to create their dreams.

“You are a beautiful person, and when you realize this, your life can be whatever you want it to be.” — William Eastwood.

No library is complete without this masterpiece. Get “You Are a Beautiful Person...” for those you love as a great gift, and for yourself as the pinnacle of your best book collection!


you-are-a-beautiful-person-book-by-William-Eastwood course


Anything is possible


You can create anything in life when you know how.




Albert Einstein



We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them…  A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

— Albert Einstein





Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!

Click book manufacturerto  purchase direct or on any book link or book below. Click the image below for our list of hard copy and eBooks to fund our mission to create a new kind of civilization. Or click, "I want the audiobook" to navigate to audible books to make every day of your life the best day possible.


Thoughts Form Matter eBooks books
An list of books.



Earth Network books

Books by William Eastwood to fund the mission.

Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now! Where you can join a global alliance.


When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network plan
A website article.



When you buy through, the profits that would otherwise go to a 2nd big corporation serve instead as a donation to help people who desperately need help. is the manufacturer and carries the latest editions of our books.





Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William Eastwood
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.




Holographic Universe book by Eastwood thoughts form matter create events




"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.




How to manifest. A book by William Eastwood




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.




Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood


Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.


The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William




For consistency of accurate material.


Thoughts create matter home page

Mind forms matter creates reality website

Collect Hawaii Eastwood fine art & products

William Eastwood website author scientist philosopher alchemist

Mind Over Matter Power thoughts consciousness create physical reality

thoughts form matter home page icon
You are on this site.




Thoughts Form Matter got me smart

Thoughts form matter articles
All articles are International philosophy.



Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths?
An article.

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A article.

The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problemsAn website article.

It time travel possible?
A article.

Whats the difference between internal and external science Eastwood
A article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.

Cult philosophy science religion violence
A article.

What is a unifying principle
A article.

William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
A article.

Free guaranteed income funds for you
An article.

Thoughts form matter visualization
A article.

Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A article.

THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
A article.

A public notification of a new science paradigm. Thoughts form matter
A article.

How can I save the earth & all life?
A article.

Why the world is waking up now need to know
An article.

William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
A article.

The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A article.

William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A article.

The solution to climate change and most of humanity's problems
A article.

Thoughts form matter belief projection theory
A article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
A article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.

How to travel to your future manifest money gold
A article.

Why Hasn't My Life Changed for the Better? Does Our Reality Ever get better?
An website article.



How Do I Make More Money? How Can I Get Paid Without Working?

© Copyright 2021,  By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality. The methods are given in our free articles and books to support the mission.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.


Money is energy that you create through positive thinking and prosperity consciousness


How do I make more money?, How can I get paid without working?

Categories: How do I make more money?, How can I get paid without working?, How can I learn how to manifest anything I want?, Click on our site and books to learn more.


Where you focus your attention determines if you can make more money and get paid without working.



A website article.


A website article.


The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image for thoughts form matter books page.


