50 YEAR STUDY: The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
— a culmination of 50 years of research and application
What is the Holographic Theory of Consciousness? Easy to Understand Books & Articles
- What is the holographic theory of consciousness?
- Where can I find easy to understand books and articles on the holographic theory of consciousness?
- What is the holographic universe theory?
I will answer these questions now.
What we think of as being a physical particle, is a disturbance in a field of energy. Scientists like to use diagrams to show examples of fields and “particles,” but diagrams only stand for the reality they depict. A diagram of a field of energy does not tell us more than a stick figure of a person drawn by a child tells us about what a human is.
Rather than accept the diagram of a field as being the reality it is attempting to depict, Internal Science goes into the field to see what is there in the only way that can be done. When I was 12, I decided to conduct an experiment to see firsthand what was there. I did what any good scientist does, I observed what was there.
What I learned has led to my “Belief Projection Theory” and to my own interpretation of the “Holographic Theory of Consciousness.”
If you want to know what a field of energy is, you must experience what is there, within the field. You can’t separate yourself from reality with symbols as is done when a physicalist scientist writes math using symbols on a blackboard.
Local science (science of this dimension) is good for manipulating matter and technology, but if you let it dictate your worldview, it is as blind as if you accepted the stick figure of a human as the reality of being human.
For more detailed account of my first experiment, click here.
No physical instrument can enter a field of energy. Only consciousness can. That’s a scientific fact, and if you do not accept scientific fact, you are not being scientific and are guarding a limited conception of reality.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
What is the holographic theory of consciousness in simple, easy to understand terms?
The holographic theory of consciousness is easy to understand. Consciousness does not reside in the brain, but in the field which is a fundamental base from which virtual particles and matter appear.
Fundamental reality consists of waves upon which disturbances form. These disturbances are the particles that form into objects and matter.
With that said, consider the field of energy forming all these particles as to be the primary reality. This is where consciousness resides. Consciousness itself is an electromagnetic energy. The consciousness that you identify with as yourself does not rise out of the physical brain but exists first and foremost on this fundamental energy level. This is where the you that you are, exists. However, for you to peer into physical reality you need a brain and five senses. In effect, this virtual reality suite forces you to look out your eyes at physical reality rather than to any other probable reality.
The brain is a transformer and transmitter like a TV or radio that picks up TV or radio stations. You could just as easily pick up another station, experience static or two stations at once on this “TV set” or “radio station” which is what very young children do, but if you are an adult you are tuned in and focused on the one station others are also focused on.
The collective stage is a platform like a movie set that is shared by others on which they project their own individual hologram or reality. This is done by using the brain to collect information from the field and to project it holographically outward onto this stage or grid.
It then appears to the one projecting that this is an independent physical reality when instead is is a virtual reality experience. The senses are interpreting what they are projecting as being solid even though physicists know that nothing is solid, everything consists of nonsolid fields of energy.
Your mind therefore comes through your brain and body but is not here in this physical world in the same way your body or objects are. The mind can be said to be occupying a fourth dimension and peering into this reality by using a kind of space suit, or holographic perceptive system.
My theory says that the body does not just perceive through the five senses but projects a hologram through the five senses. The eyes project images. Your skin projects a sense of touch and degrees of solidity. Your ears project sound vibrations and so on. The brain coordinates all of this so that all your senses agree.

What is the holographic theory of consciousness?
Erwin Schrödinger thought that the quantum mechanical wave function was a field of consciousness. The Quantum Holographic Theory of Consciousness says that consciousness is not local but exists outside of time-space and peers in through the body apparatus. The brain works like a hologram that processes images into interference patterns that are then turned into virtual images, just like a laser hologram.
But beyond this line of traditional thought is the startling truth. A dream is a hologram, and we are in a physical hologram—a physical dream.

“I have simplified the science into its most important practical insights that you can use to create what you want in life. ‘International Philosophy’ gives you simple terms and guidance that is easy to understand in any language.”
— William Eastwood
We are concerned about applying Internal Science because it has considerable practical value. Therefore, you will see many links to articles that help you learn the methods and techniques to solve problems and achieve goals through the lens of Internal Science. I call this International Philosophy. Use it to manifest what you want in life. It works better than conventional psychology and traditional methods of achieving goals and solving problems.

How you are creating a three-dimensional movie—your life

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.
Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.
This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.
You are not moving through time and space from birth to death―THAT IS THE PROJECTION YOU ARE CREATING.
If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there, you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.
When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can awaken from the trance. It is then that you can create a-dream-come-true, in which you are surrounded by your every wish. By applying the principles of conscious creation carefully, I will tell you exactly how you can bring the production in line with what you want.
Taken from “The Solution…”

The entire established field of science is based on the great modern myth of physicalism. Instead, physical reality is a projection of your mind, and there are increasing numbers of top scientists, especially quantum physicists, who have managed to free themselves from collective hypnosis and are not afraid to say so.
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
— Albert Einstein

Bernard d’Espagnat

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”
— Bernard d’Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.
Many scientists and educated people in the world today neglect to look at the implications of quantum mechanics. This is due to cognitive dissonance.

Many top physicists do know that thoughts create matter
Your thoughts can and do create matter. It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying.
However, major changes in scientific thinking are taking place. The big question is, will YOU look at the implications of quantum mechanics?
Max Planck

Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winning father of quantum mechanics says, “I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness.” — The Observer, 1931.
If consciousness creates reality, wouldn’t science know?

Scientists who believe in physicalism do not do not know what an electromagnetic field is, and since everything is an electromagnetic field, they don’t know what anything is.
If you ask a scientist what an electromagnetic field is, 99% will say “it is a fundamental entity, it’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is.” They leave that question to philosophers because they cannot answer it.
Science has largely refused to accept the existence of an inner reality. But science, like politics, is divided. Some scientists know more than others.
“The man of science is a poor philosopher.”
— Albert Einstein
Why people see what they want to see, and create negative experiences
“Each person reads and experiences reality according to what they believe exists. If they hold a view of reality within themselves that is inherently limiting and/or negative, then this inner subjective reality and nothing else is projected outward into events and experiences so that everything conforms with their beliefs. They then cannot see anything outside of their own worldview. In effect, they become blind to any information that would free them from their inner and outer restricted reality.
“The negative focus on perceived enemies or opposition combined with the overlooked and unchecked power of consciousness and focus has been causing the world severe problems for a very long time only because we do not see the obvious.”
Do you want science studies a mirage or science that studies the source of reality and then shows you how to create anything you want?
You can get lost trying to understand consciousness by reading scientific articles. I offer links to some excellent scientific studies as a courtesy to you only. I know in simple terms that the physical world is a projection we each create with our own consciousness. If four people enter a room, there are four rooms. I figured that out over four decades ago.
Consciousness is irreducible and is both individualized and part of an unbroken field. Quantum mechanics is the study of that field of energy. Your consciousness has very deep, eternal meaning that cannot be measured with a ruler, and so all scientific studies will miss that part of the picture.
All consciousness is of an equal, amazingly high grade; and just so you know, your personality and individuality will never be lost. Who you are will survive death. I am not a religious person, because I will add that you are also good, and most religions will say you are evil.
Ignorance is separation from truth, and it is the closest thing there is to evil. Our civilization has lost the secret for centuries and we therefore do not even know where we come from! That shows just how ignorant we are.
Our civilization has been reading reality backwards for thousands of years. You cannot understand reality by looking at the physical world because that world is a consciousness hologram that you are creating. If you follow most scientists, they will just get you more confused.
I provide hundreds of articles and over a dozen books in plain English, and you do not need to be a scientist to understand any of it. Use your heart and intuition. All knowledge is within you, and you are a portion of the Divine consciousness that forms everything. You are forever safe and loved, and this will never change, not for a billion years.
For those who are interested I often begin my articles with some science because it is important to use your intellect. For something to be true it must make sense to you both intellectually and intuitively.
— William Eastwood

So, who exactly is William Eastwood? Imagine a mind that embarked on a journey of discovery at just 13 years old, working alongside a Yale University professor on a secret invention. Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.
What sets Eastwood apart is his unwavering commitment to unveiling truths that traditional paradigms overlook. His extensive research has led to the creation of Internal Science and International Philosophy, paving the way for individuals like you to manifest your deepest desires and tackle life’s hurdles head-on.
But why should you listen to him? Because Eastwood’s work isn’t just theory—it’s practical, transformative, and backed by decades of meticulous study. His collection of groundbreaking books, the culmination of 50 years of research, is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and secrets designed to empower you to create the reality you envision. —Camille Flores, The Edge Magazine.
William Eastwood
Early in my life I worked in solar energy and bought three large homes while I was learning. In early adulthood I was living in paradise, travelling from beaches in Connecticut to those on the Gulf Coast.
I loved learning and had to know everything. I learned early on that what was taught in public school was incorrect. There were no college courses teaching what I was studying and so I set out on my own. Eventually I created Internal Science and International Philosophy.
I always had a strong desire to share what I was learning with the world to solve public problems and help people achieve their goals and dreams. After many years of studies and preparation I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc, in August of 2000.
William Eastwood was a child music prodigy, and an inventor of solar energy systems. He founded the altruistic movement, and has always been an empath, philosopher, researcher and new scientist. Currently he is a political oracle, founder of Internal Science and International Philosophy, a–movie screenwriter, author of 25 books, and a modern alchemist who uses his consciousness to create gold and much more.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.

“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low-minded person.”
— Albert Einstein.
Eastwood’s international philosophy is a unique scientific paradigm that recognizes the power and good in all people. His current websites and many positive books speak loudly of his unrelenting efforts to help humanity, and his intent to assist people in realizing their “unlimited” power and potential to improve their lives and the future of our civilization.
Internal Science
Suppose reality was a tree. External Science studies the part of the tree above ground. Because it can’t see the roots, it does not believe they exist, and as a result, it does not study them. Internal Science, however, knows the roots exist and includes them in its study of reality.
Most people understand science as the study of physical reality with the instruments of the scientific method. However, physical reality is a mirage, a kind of optical illusion, a projection of consciousness.
To study reality we must study the actual reality, not the mirage. Internal Science is the study of the reality behind the illusion.
“If your thoughts create matter, what or who is doing the creating? If your five senses project your reality, what is behind that mechanism? Internal Science explains all of that.”
— William Eastwood.
You are a portion of an infinite web of probable selves, or an infinite web of probable selves are an extension of you.
All that exists is consciousness. Consciousness creates all realities. Only consciousness can penetrate consciousness. The tools of the scientific method cannot. Do not look for long equations on a blackboard. Internal Science is completely different that conventional science. It doesn’t rely on equations and it does not require an extensive education to be a leading scientist.

International Philosophy
International Philosophy deals with any subject psychology covers, but it is based on Internal Science rather than physicalism. If you want to know how to be happy, find love, live longer, stay healthy, manifest success, etc., you need International Philosophy because it is based on real rather than mythical science.
Respect the opinions of others, but trust your own judgment.
People have the right to choose what they want to believe, and so you can accept a more accurate scientific worldview. According to International Philosophy, you are basically good and you can trust yourself and your integrity.
Realize that when we are dealing with two different views of reality — and because the one being challenged is supported by the mainstream civilization itself — it is going to take more than one article to address objections from skeptics or even explain all the differences.
Mainstream thinking is a cult. It is inaccurate and it takes your power away and creates dependency.

Click above to learn more.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
International Philosophy makes understanding easy

You don’t need to know the science any more than an Olympic athlete needs to understand biology to swim in a race or a child needs to understand muscles to run with vigor and joy. Thoughts are transformed into events on a level below the subconscious in an area beyond the reach of scientific instruments, and so science cannot even tell you in the form of equations what is happening on that level.
Read a few articles on Internal Science and you will get the picture. Even better, purchase some books and help me find my mission (to educate and unite humanity).

If you want to understand what the Holographic Theory of Consciousness from Bohm’s point of view a more scientific background will help you to understand his theory. My lens is Internal Science which is a form of science that uses consciousness to probe consciousness rather than physical instruments. This is explained better in several good articles (click an icon below to learn more).
According to Albert Einstein's colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive. Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, "the holographic theory of consciousness" may have replaced physicalism as our world's accepted science. (Documentation Princeton University.)
The inevitable paradigm-shift in mainstream science has begun.
The holographic theory of consciousness
The holographic theory of consciousness is largely based on the science of David Bohm. While the scientific method is reductionist and dissects to understand, Bohm's science is holistic, thus allowing Bohm's Internal Science to understand consciousness and External Science to fail to understand.
The holographic theory of consciousness says that the information in the whole is contained in each of its parts.
Electromagnetic waves have an infinite information storage capacity. When waves interact it is called interference and the original information from each wave in an interference pattern survives and can be extracted from each wave and read regardless.
Based on this view, the brain is understood to be a transmitter and receiver of information. The brain is a bioelectrical organism. The brain draws from the electromagnetic interference patterns that exist around us at all times. The brain thus draws from all information and adds new information to the whole.
Information is not stored in the brain, it is stored in the electromagnetic fields around us. Your thoughts, emotions and memories are not dependent on the existence of the brain. You exist as an individualized portion of the entire universe of information or what Bohm called the holomovement.
Your consciousness is a portion of the total electromagnetic field of the entire multidimensional universe.
Scattered thoughts display incoherence, meaning they go off in all directions from their point of origin, whereas focused thoughts are coherent like laser light. Focusing beliefs, thoughts and emotions is thus the key to personal power and the ability to both pick up information intuitively and manifest goals physically.
The brain, Bohm says, "may act like an antenna" to pick up information from the entire field of information of the universe.
Bohm says that if the mind is preoccupied with outer levels of reality, it is less able to pick up subtle information from the electromagnetic field. To pick up information from any source requires tuning to the frequency of the information sought.
The heart and body must be in coherence with the information of the subtle energies sought in order to experience profound intuition and identification.
To increase your bioelectrical sensitivity requires focusing and tuning the mind.
Bohm indicates that the “explicate order” (physical reality) is a projection from the “implicate order” (an inner reality of information) which underlies everything. Information guides the process by which matter is organized as the forms we then perceive. The collapsing wave function enters in, thus introducing the role human consciousness plays in the formation of the universe. Without an observer there is "only" electromagnetic energy containing information (consciousness).
Internal Science and International Philosophy adds its own unique perspective in a way that makes sense of Bohm's holographic universe.
"Inner nonphysical probable events are selected according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions and thereby projected and experienced as being physical by our five senses. My books and articles explain how you control the process."
— William Eastwood
I offer the practical, easy to understand International Philosophy application of internal science principles.
The holographic theory of quantum consciousness

The theory of quantum consciousness — also referred to as the holographic theory of consciousness or holographic universe theory— was initiated by neuroscientist Karl Pribram in collaboration with physicist David Bohm and drawing from Dennis Gabor’s work on holograms. The holographic theory of consciousness says that the brain processes images into interference patterns and then into virtual images, just like a laser hologram. The information in quantum waves is used by the brain to make our three-dimensional world.
Pribram suggested that memories could consist of interference patterns that resemble laser-produced holograms. Then in 1980, David Bohm introduced his ideas of the holomovement and implicate and explicate order.
Bohm views the earlier ideas though a new framework of understanding reality. Memory “storage” is non-local, meaning in electromagnetic waves. Evidence supports the theory because it was discovered that half the brain can be removed without dramatic loss of memory, cognitive functioning or intelligence.
Identity (the person) could therefore be separate from the body. Microtubules in all portions of the body could pick up non-local information (outside of normal time-space) and translate it into images and subtle intuition.
Beyond what I have told you so far—beyond the scientific jargon—is a simpler way to explain all of this. I have created what I call Internal Science and International Philosophy to convey these facts in easy to understand terms.

Internal Science is a science of the individual and not the “math on a blackboard” kind of science you may picture in your mind. Anyone can understand Internal Science. It’s not like Latin or filled with terms only a specialist can understand. It is a science of the individual. You can use your own consciousness to probe reality (also consciousness).

Your consciousness is holographic in nature. It creates dreams, and any change in your consciousness creates change throughout reality. This is the nature of a hologram.
Any change in any portion of a hologram is reflected in all other portions of the hologram.
Even more significant is that any portion of a hologram can recreate the whole.
You are connected to all the knowledge that exists through channels within your own consciousness.
The universe is enfolded within you.

Your consciousness is a portion of the total electromagnetic field of the entire multidimensional universe.

The holographic theory of consciousness is largely based on the science of David Bohm. While the scientific method is reductionist and dissects to understand, Bohm’s science is holistic, thus allowing Bohm to understand consciousness and External Science to fail to understand.
My view draws from Bohm, Hugh and others to create a unique science and practical life philosophy.
"You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know."
— William Eastwood.
David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)
Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the "implicate order," which Eastwood says is projected by the brain and five senses into the universe.
Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)
[The Many-Worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.
—Hugh Everett III
There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science than physicalism.
Scientists need to get their blocks in order
I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive blessings.
The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.
The ego of a scientist is the only problem, not lack of evidence. The evidence that shows that thoughts create matter is everywhere. You just have to be willing to look.
A philosophy of personal power
Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.
Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.
- You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
- Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
- Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
- Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
- You are in your own hologram.
"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."
— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.
What does that statement mean?
It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally.
By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.

Electromagnetic waves have an infinite information storage capacity. When waves interact they form what is called an interference pattern. The original information from each wave in an interference pattern survives and can be extracted from each wave and read regardless. The total memories of your entire lifetime can be contained in a single quantum electromagnetic wave. Multiple waves create almost infinite data and are capable of creation.
According to the holographic theory of consciousness, the plenum or void of space around you therefore contains infinite information. Similarly, International Philosophy teaches that infinite probabilities exist in the electromagnetic field. I call the multidimensional reality in which the multidimensional self exists, the field of probabilities.
Based on Bohm’s science and my own philosophy, the brain is understood to be a transmitter and receiver of information. In application the inner mind assesses future probabilities and the body and conscious mind can sense the ideal through intuition.

The main article resumes:

The brain is a bioelectrical organism that is designed to manifest your beliefs, thoughts and emotions in the most positive way possible. The brain draws from the bank of electromagnetic interference patterns that exist everywhere.
Memories and knowledge are not restricted by being stored in the brain but are indestructible because they are electromagnetic fields with properties of intelligent light that can never be destroyed. Your thoughts, emotions and memories are not dependent on the existence of the brain. You exist as an individualized portion of the entire universe of “indelible information” or what Bohm called the holomovement.

William Eastwood International Philosophy

The holographic theory of consciousness forms the basis of International Philosophy. Your thoughts attract and they create your reality.
Internal Science and International Philosophy.

“A major physics discovery in January 2023 advances Internal Science and David Bohm’s holographic universe theory.”
— William Eastwood
January 2023 report: A significant new discovery in physics

Reported in January 2023, A team of physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have used light that existed at the beginning of the universe to smash gold ions, and in doing so have discovered dissimilar particles undergoing quantum entanglement.
Imagine an alien civilization a trillion years in the future on the opposite side of the universe from an ancient planet that existed prior to the formation of the earth. According to the study’s finding, instantaneous exchange of information is possible between these two points in time and space.
How is this possible?
The answer is startling!
A new Earth-Network.org article.
Recent scientific discoveries
“Physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have discovered a completely new type of quantum entanglement…”
Multiple observers are responsible for creating our physical reality by collapsing non-physical fields into physical matter we call the universe.
Observers create reality out of non-physical fields.
The quantum hologram theory (the holographic theory of consciousness).
My early life

The holographic universe is just a concept to most people but not to me. I lived my life according to the principles of the holographic universe paradigm before David Bohm even published “Wholeness and the Implicate Order,” and Bohm was Albert Einstein’s trusted friend and colleague.
My first major test of the concept happened when I was about 12.

The holographic theory of consciousness explains that we have amazing creative abilities and access to unlimited knowledge through inner channels of consciousness that belong to us, that is a part of our being.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Journey out of the illusion
Articles on the holographic theory of consciousness?

The holographic theory of consciousness says that the information in the whole is contained in each of its parts. Our articles and books explain the principles. Through the proper focus of attention, you can draw anything you want from an infinity of probable realities.

Six websites with 500+ free easy to understand articles based on the holographic theory of consciousness.
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you yet, you don’t understand it well enough.”
― Neils Bohr, Nobel Prize winner father of quantum mechanics.
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What is the Holographic Theory of Consciousness? Easy to Understand Books & Articles
© Copyright 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.
Primary article concludes here.
What is the Holographic Theory of Consciousness? Easy to Understand Books & Articles
Categories: What is the holographic theory of consciousness?, Where can I find easy to understand books and articles on the holographic theory of consciousness?, Best new books in 2023 on the holographic theory of consciousness. David Bohm and the holographic universe theory of consciousness explained in books and free articles., Definition of the quantum mind and consciousness., What is the definition and meaning of the holographic universe?, Do your thoughts create your reality?, Multidimensional consciousness and inner-self. Click on our sites to learn more.