Important wisdom from Albert Einstein

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them… “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein
Advancing yourself helps many

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Journey out of the illusion
The cause of division and conflict
Manifesting Power Book
A Guide to Manifesting Money
Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.
Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.
The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.
It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.
A powerful gift to yourself or others
Link to Amazon: International 5 STAR Review.
The paperback version makes a fantastic gift.
Available for you as an eBook or paperback.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
Success Guaranteed
The method given in "Success Guaranteed..." works like magic and can be used to create anything you want no matter what it is or how big it is. When you apply the simple principles within this incredible book, you activate a magical internal process that manifests your desire and allows you to enter your own life of ‘dreams-come-true.’
“I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22, because the philosophy I was testing continued to work like magic!” — William Eastwood.
You can apply the principles in 'SUCCESS GUARANTEED...' to manifest money and become successful overnight. They do work.
This book is packed with simple practical insights that show you how to create whatever you want, no matter what it is. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Get this spectacular book now and add it to your best-book collection!
Forty-five years of research
Scientists have used quantum mechanics to develop advanced technology, yet as a society we have not yet employed those same facts to generate a new and more factual psychology and self-transformation philosophy. Until now, that is. William Eastwood is perhaps the first to do so.
All content, books and links on this site are based on quantum mechanics and advanced metaphysics. The concepts presented to you here are thus much more accurate and powerful than current psychology and standard self-help methods of achievement.
Undivided wholeness , non-classical physics mind-brain science, and amazing quantum tunneling, for example, reveal that consciousness is not restricted by the laws of classical physics. Your mind is connected to everything in the universe, can bypass physical laws of cause and effect and time and space restrictions, and can permeate any seeming barrier.
Forty-five years of consciousness science personal growth research has gone into each book by William Eastwood below. To change your life, you have to change your thinking. There is no other way to change your life.

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
― Albert Einstein
Author of Earth Network articles and books.
What do you want to create? Eastwood's methods of achieving goals are based on new scientific paradigm of University of London physicist David Bohm, a former protégé of Einstein's and over 45-years of research and application. These methods work. Begin now to create the reality you have only dreamed of with William Eastwood as your guide.
It takes a powerful person to escape the parasite — a specific set of false but rigorously protected limiting beliefs of our civilization — that control the mind of the majority. It takes even more confidence and energy to lead others out of their limitations.
The limiting beliefs that control us are challenged in “The Solution…”

A person who insists on something better for you.


Helping you to create the life you want
The philosophy and principles work: By age thirteen I was working with Yale Professor, Everett Barber, and by 18 I was selling solar technology I designed to the American Supply Company. But my mission would not be initiated until I had acquired a necessary higher level of experience and wisdom.
A new science
The purpose of our websites is to provide you with all you need to know to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.
Due to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics introduced early in the twentieth century, scientists have discovered empirically that the principles of classic physics could not be correct.
The collapsing wave function, for example, introduces an observer (consciousness) and explains how the energy state of unlimited probable events is transformed into a single physical particle we can observe.
The new science after Einstein accounts for all the successes of the older classic theory and for all the data that are incompatible with classic principles (fixed time-space constraints).
Previous science serves as the foundation for our civilization and is thus like a locomotive barreling down the tracks that will not be stopped. Therefore, even though a new factual science proves classical physics wrong, you will find endless attacks and rationalizations on the collapsing wave function discovery online. For this reason we point out the scientific studies and summaries you can trust that you may want to view.
The collapsing wave function reveals mind-matter interaction which then leads to a new scientific paradigm, a new science, a new psychology and new and more effective methods by which to approach life and achieve goals. The collapsing wave function, for example, is evidence of thoughts (consciousness) manifesting, which then suggests a much easier way to create what you want in life, which is what we are providing you with here.
We give you a new psychology and methods of achieving goals.
Right here, right now, we are introducing a new kind of science.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
More sites with free articles
Click above to learn more
Get the magic touch
The original vision contained in a book William wrote early in life titled “The Dragon Slayer,” was confiscated by the government, yet the energy of the vision could not be stopped. Despite millions of dollars spent on stopping him and extreme physical force, nothing could prevent this information from reaching the world. (See Dragon Slayer link below.)
“The Solution…” which was confiscated twice was rewritten twice and is now available. “The Solution…” provides the knowledge necessary for people to transform both their own reality and the collective world as we know it.
The original seven websites were blocked by the government.
However, William rewrote his websites the first opportunity he had to do so. All four websites are a success and are available at this time. Together they represent over one hundred articles you can read for free to educate yourself.
Four Earth Network websites

A singleAMAZING philosophy!
100’s of articles!
4 EN websites!
They are meant to be used together.
Click between them!
Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc. was founded in 2000. It too was confiscated by the government immediately after it was founded.
The new Earth Network.
This mission statement dates from the original created when the Dragon Slayer book was written.
EN mission statement

MISSION STATEMENT: Introduce simple concepts that can bring an end to suffering and conflict globally, transition humanity to a new era, transform public institutions and private lives, form a new field of science, and reform education systems globally.
All of this is happening now, right here right now.
The knowledge that will launch William’s plan is so profound that a new kind of science is required. The pages that outline the new science have premiered in early 2021. They are available to everyone for free on the four EN websites.
Enter New Science
If the establishment refuses to change, we have the solution.
A new kind of science by EN represents science by the people and for the people, in which everyone equally qualifies to be a scientist and explorer of infinite realities created by and of their own consciousness.
Learn about the prospect of being an explorer of consciousness yourself on our affiliated sites and in EN books by William Eastwood.
On January 6th, 2021 William’s search term “What Caused the Attack in Washington” was number one on the Bing search engine, allowing him to reach thousands of people with his solution on how to stop violence, division and other related problems.
This step requires the help of many. An invitation is being posted on all four EN websites.

I advertised that I have the solution to all of humanity’s problems. The solution is is to be found in multiple locations. However, the book itself is primary.
The solution is in:
- The books below (“The Solution…” in particular).
- Hundreds of free articles.
I am delivering the solution through a new science (below), hundreds of articles, and 11 books.
The Solution and website articles are based on my 45-year study.
Everything will be changing
From the upper echelons of the scientific establishment comes a completely new definition of reality and the human being. The most advanced physics in the world tells us that accumulated knowledge in all fields is based on a false premise.
Understanding will change the world as we know it
Curriculum from grade school to university will need to be entirely overhauled. The end result will be a complete change in consciousness that will bring about a new human with entirely new ways of achieving goals and solving problems. The solution provides the blueprint for a new civilization and new human.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
At any time, matter can be completely changed by the activation of conscious thought. Your environment is a product of your thoughts and feelings. By projecting the specific thoughts and feelings that embody your desires you can immediately being a process of change. You are in control of your experience.
If a single person can change the world, imagine what we can all do together!
I agree with David Bohm that a single individual can transform the world. If one person on earth is amazing, so is every single person on the face of the earth. Understanding on the part of many, therefore, can change the world as we know it.
All questions answered
If traditional science cannot give you answers we can. We will serve as the new arbiters of truth.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
Thank You
We thank everyone that has made contributions, and those who have purchased books. We would not have been able to do it without you!
Delivering the message depends on your support.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
— Albert Einstein
The message speaks for itself.
Find out yourself why this knowledge has remained secret for so long. Order a book today.
A philosophy of personal power

A disease of negativity
“Our belief systems are so toxic that some children decide it is too dangerous to communicate with the world and so they are born with what we call “autism.”
“It would be one thing if the world was intrinsically as we believe it is, but it is not. The negativity and chaos we experience is a projection of a failed negative belief system. Children that are born with autism are reacting to their parent’s and society’s core beliefs.
“Everything from bullying to excessive demands on individuals—the source of all our problems—is born of distrust of human nature around which our civilization is built.
“Einstein’s friend, David Bohm, gives us a scientific paradigm that explains how this is possible. Our reality is a holographic projection of our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
“To create a new and successful civilization we must discard the highly negative myths that caused current failure and in their place project beliefs that will produce success.
“The global altruistic, autonomous movement is a rapidly expanding circle of people who are recognizing the non-competitive, cooperative and non-selfish workings of the universe. These beliefs will generate different behaviors, institutions that are more friendly and an overall transformed projection of reality.
“Our social problems are a kind of healing crisis which are meant to lead us to the answers. The truth is more positive than we can presently conceive. But before we can get to the Promised Land we must first escape the meritocracy, chaos and crumbling systems based on false beliefs.
“We are in a new spiritual age of metabiological awakening.”
— William Eastwood
Compounded placebo effect
“When you apply thought in an advanced and clinical way, as given in my books, you combine all the finest advanced methods, techniques and procedures in a powerful unified approach to create a compounded placebo effect.
“The compounding placebo effect is the thought materialization effect.
“Thoughts do materialize. When we understand that they do and apply the proper science we:
- “Take control of our life.
- “Quadruple the effectiveness of our thoughts.
- “Get an astounding overall transformation in the quality of our life.
If a single pill placebo can give you a 25% better chance of healing, imagine what 50 or 100 beliefs/placebos operating in you can do?
It is not the pills and the operations that are saving you, it’s your beliefs in them and the entire body of multiple placebos operating within you that give you all the good in your life.
Contrast that with all the noceboes that are giving you dissatisfaction and impeding progress in certain areas of your life.
Reduce the noceboes and increase the placebos and you have a formula that will work.

New science application
Read our articles from left to right.
A world of its own, it contains a never-ending network of information. Few souls have survived the educational labyrinth without transforming into a new identity. Ignorance cannot survive the journey.
This menu represents a mere fraction of our articles.
[maxmegamenu location=max_mega_menu_1]
Tips and hints to insure your success
Our civilization has in the past thought that matter forms ideas, but it is just the opposite. Ultimately, everyone will discover that the events they experience are holographic projections; manifestations of “past” thoughts.
We create our own reality. If you study this material long enough, it is inevitable that you will finally come to this conclusion.
The more open you are to the idea, the more the evidence begins to present itself. Eventually many people experience a shift which feels like they are awakening in a dream that they are creating with their own thoughts and emotions. Once this happens you realize the true power you have to shape events.
After realizing that your thoughts create your reality it is just a matter of learning to focus your thoughts properly. Beliefs must improve, attitudes and expectations must improve, and positive emotions need to be fixed primarily on the sense of acquiring and having what is wanted rather than lack and frustration. This can be difficult to do in the face of contrary evidence, such as the disturbing news about the coronavirus, a lost job or whatever you are struggling with now.
Embrace the paradigm in full
True mastery is a result of acceptance of a new view of reality and a willingness to go all the way. This means you understand the true nature of time and probabilities. You must commit to the wonderful truth rather than think it is too good to be true. If you doubt the process, the doubt itself is like static and interference.
Proper focus is an art and science
How do you create a sense of well-being when the country is in lock-down and markets are in free-fall? It is often difficult to do this. We may remain with one foot in the old world and one in the new paradigm. This is generally far less effective. You must realize that as your thinking and focus changes so will your reality, but time is usually required. The mind must be repatterned.
Be daring, brave and confident
To create what you want you must be very brave. You must be willing to dispense with the comfort blankets. When it comes down to it, most people cannot completely let go of familiar beliefs and subjective habits of perception. Often, we are addicted to the idea that other people and situations prevent our success. Our institutions and societies are based on the idea of victimization.
No one can stop your thoughts and dreams from manifesting
Other people and situations, no matter what they are, cannot stop your desires from manifesting. Only you can control your own probabilities.
If this statement upsets you, it reveals the intensity of the belief that you are a victim or are held-back despite your will. The problem with such a reaction is that it speaks of belief and belief is thought, and thoughts create your reality.
Beliefs are the strongest kind of thoughts; they are thoughts that we have invested with strong conviction. These carry emotions that show what we really believe.
The strongest conviction wins
We create according to the strongest convictions within us, and these are typically fears or the idea that we are not good enough to create what we want in life. We often hide these insecurities from ourselves by denying that is what we really believe. But if we feel anxiety first thing in the morning, this is a beacon as to what is holding us back, and it is a means of discovering our hang-ups.
Your emotions tell the truth
Your emotions will tell you what you really believe about something. How you feel speaks of your predominant belief that manifests as your experience. Beliefs create events on inner levels of consciousness and these pre-matter events evolve and are eventually projected by the brain and five senses as a hologram. Your environment is that hologram.
A master regains intuitive knowing and reinforces it with intellectual understanding. They apply the principles and adhere by the new worldview faithfully despite inner pressure to break with understanding and join the world of victims.
Everyone knows what mainstream science will not admit
Many ordinary people as well as psychics are certain that they receive some kind of spiritual help. This can only come from other levels of reality. Millions of people believe their thoughts affect people, reality and physical matter.
Edgar Cayce, who was perhaps the most renowned psychic in history, could put a book under his pillow when he was a child, and wake up in the morning knowing the content of the book. This is why he was called the sleeping prophet.
This is possible because every object in your environment is an extension of energy that connects to the level of creation that allows it to exist. There are extensions within books similar to telepathic cords. This represents energy being projected holographically.
Every object around you is a holographic projection of your mind that connects you to the innermost portion of your soul that creates them.
If you want to break old patterns and habits of perception, bring powerful books into your life and remain centered on what they represent — the truth you are bringing out within yourself by having them in your presence. Once you materialize something in your life, an energy pathway continues to exist, even when the object is long-gone.

Primary article concludes here.
Secret Wisdom: The Answers You Require to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
© Copyright 2020, 2020, By: William Eastwood
Acquire Wisdom
Categories: Secret wisdom by William Eastwood, Your beliefs & thoughts & emotions create your reality, Assumptions create matter & events, The metaphysical answers to problems, Metaphysics to achieve goals, How to solve problems & achieve goals using metaphysical principles. Click on our site and books to learn more.
The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.