What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement? Philosophy By William Eastwood

Man in paradise because he raised his energy through spiritual consciousness books

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.



What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement?

  • What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement?
  • Can the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement help me?
  • Can the Altruistic Autonomous Movement help civilization?

I will answer these questions now.

The global Altruistic, Autonomous Movement is a rapidly expanding circle of people who are recognizing the noncompetitive, cooperative, unselfish and creative workings of the universe.

The Altruistic, Autonomous Movement is a philosophy based on the scientific fact that the universe is composed of consciousness and that  consciousness is altruistic and autonomous.


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The Altruistic, Autonomous Movement can help you because it is an effective body of knowledge based on facts about reality that focus on the principles that will help you to create whatever you want in your life.

The Altruistic Autonomous Movement can help civilization because it is based on the factual science of quantum mechanics that shows that the consciousness that composes the universe is altruistic and creative.


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The problems in the world today are a symptom of a lack of awareness of these scientific facts. Therefore, the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement will ultimately solve the problems that plague civilization today.


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Why is it called the altruistic movement?

The higher energy behind the coincidences in our lives is altruistic. This is not a force operating outside of us as in religion, and it is completely out of character with Darwinism, Freudian thought or the mechanistic paradigm of mainstream science.


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This mysterious force bringing us beneficial coincidences is the unbroken field of energy that quantum physicists have been studying. It is the consciousness that composes the Universe itself. It is the individualized portion of All-That-Is that forms our individuality and inner self. It is our personal connection to the source of creation which is a portion of what we are.

Now that we know that everything in the universe is composed of consciousness, we can redefine ourselves and the universe itself as altruistic because that is the nature of all consciousness.

  • The consciousness that forms us and the universe is altruistic.
  • Every person and aspect of reality is composed of the same high-grade consciousness.

This is my main message to humanity and what I set out to convey in my first organization.

Altruistic, Autonomous Philosophy & William Eastwood

In 2000, I  (William Eastwood) founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc., in Connecticut, USA (PDF: Proof of Inc). This initial attempt was crushed by an established institution with the opposite view, although the effort continued and has become increasingly successful.

For the story behind its Inception, click below.


Where it started


I was only 12 years old and my first experiment in metaphysical principles was to visualize myself providing alternative energy sources to replace fossil fuels. I still remember the morning I was eating breakfast as my mother was getting me ready for school and the newspaper arrived in our mailbox. I was embarrassed by the headline, “The Kid with the Sun in His Eyes.” There I was at my drafting table on the front page!

By age eighteen I was licensed to design, install and maintain solar systems and my modular system was—according the The American Supply Company, my wholesaler—was a hit at the Annual Energy Show at the Capitol of the Constitution state.

Although I had reduced energy consumption in the U.S.A. and set a new precedent, helping to get the new environmental movement started, I was not prepared for the sometimes ruthless nature of big business….I was to do something else. For many years I would absorb myself in a bigger experiment.

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The study that was set in motion because of what happened when I was seven.


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Earth Network, EN: The people of earth for an enlightened altruistic world without borders

Originally the internet was going to be called earth network. In the same way, this Earth Network represents the beginning of something big.



EDUCATIONAL INTENT: End suffering globally & transition humanity to a new era, transform public institutions and private lives, form a new field of science, and reform education systems globally.

A Personal & Social Evolution

In this century there is a change in awareness taking place. We are entering a spiritual age of metabiological awakening. This is a personal and social evolution into a new way of living and relating to people and life.

The process begins when we begin to notice coincidences in our lives. This will occur when we raise our energy with positive thinking and through metaphysical principles of giving attention to that which we are bringing into existence.

When the right people enter our life, or something happens to save us at just the right time we are fascinated and reassured at the same time. A sudden burst of positive emotion fills us, and we realize that life is much more than what we were taught. Faith and optimism that we felt as children returns, and we are bathed in a new energy and dynamic that is incredibly stimulating.

We begin to notice a pattern in our life. When we hold traditional beliefs, we see the world in a certain way that provokes fear and a worry that events may be spiraling downward or in some other way betraying our best interests. This focus causes our energy to plummet and fear to grip the moment.

When our energy drops the coincidences do not happen as frequently. This leads us to believe that there is a connection between higher states of energy and the events that happen in our lives.

We then begin a learning process so that we may enjoy this sense of having something upholding us and bringing us what we need and want in life. We take a quantum leap into a new way of living.

The force operating in our lives below normal awareness is our own deeper consciousness. When we pay attention to what is happening, we soon realize that life is not supposed to be painful. Existence is oriented in a positive way that we missed before.

We begin a journey of seeking insights through a strong thirst for learning and going higher in our energy. In the process one such insight is that we are consciousness and consciousness is effortlessly and automatically altruistic and autonomous (capable of self-government and correct decisions that benefit the self and others at the same time).

As more and more people awaken to realize that they are creating their reality, the world changes. When a person’s worldview changes, priorities change, and a new focus emerges. We become concerned about learning more, remaining positive and raising our energy.

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Growing Knowledge 

Each person progresses differently, yet there are common stages and insights that mark learning, expansion and empowerment.

  • An expansion of consciousness leads to a personal paradigm-shift and higher energy associated.
  • Application of the philosophy.
  • Attention to coincidences and other indications that something is happening.
  • A newfound awareness of the nature and power of your consciousness and self.
  • You realize that consciousness is good and so are you.
  • Awareness of resistance and lower energy.
  • Life becomes centered on seeking insights and knowledge to maintain higher energy and to manifest desires.

Moving in the best direction and manifesting involves managing thoughts and emotions and remaining inspired and focused on beauty, what we desire, personal passions and whatever raises our energy.

We are sometimes limited as to our options when we interact with the world because of people stuck in “the old world.” People and institutions will sometimes trigger a drop in our energy through insult or injury.

But other people cannot stop us. We learn not to react but instead take the higher road and in doing so eventually teach through example. People become attracted to our success and wonder how it is that we are not affected adversely by what they see as life’s threats and dangers.

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William Eastwood, Founder of THIS WEBSITE, the Altruistic Autonomous  Movement & EN

You can control and direct everything in your life in a way that is most beneficial to yourself and others.

“Holographic Universe, by David Bohm, Albert Einstein’s friend and colleague, supports that premise.

You create your reality with your thoughts. You have an amazing opportunity to create anything you want in life.


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Altruistic, Autonomous Philosophy


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Everything from bullying to tyranny come from the opposite premise

  • All advances in human history are based on a belief in human goodness.
  • Every form of cruelty and tyranny are based on the opposite.
  • Every revolution in history was its own altruistic, autonomous movement.

Where do your freedom & rights come from?

  • Your rights come from recognition of your goodness.
  • Recognition of your goodness is an enlightenment.
  • The original enlightenment led to the formation of the America.

The American Constitution, the industrial revolution and all the truly great movements in human history, such as the Emancipation Proclamation, are shifts toward greater belief in human altruism and thus the right to autonomy (self-government or self-determination).

The Altruistic, Autonomous Movement philosophy is the philosophy of our founding fathers, and the basic tenets of democracy and liberty.

What is altruism and autonomy?

  • Altruism is your goodness.
  • Autonomy is your right to free will and self-determination based on recognition of your goodness.

The altruistic, autonomous movement is based on the idea that human nature is good rather than bad, and that therefore everyone deserves certain liberties and the right to pursue and achieve happiness in life.

How would you know if you are altruistic?

If you want what is good for yourself and others you are an altruist. And we know you do because that is the nature of the consciousness you are.

Any contrary behavior is based on false beliefs which are superficial, applied from without and are a result of inherited myth.


Nature & Characteristics of Consciousness


The United States of America is part of an altruist trend. The altruistic, autonomous movement is the advancement of humanity and EN is humanity. Democracy, as an example, is great because it is a higher level of autonomy.

According to the Declaration of Independence, men are equal in their unalienable liberties. The US Constitution and the altruist movement are based on the idea that human nature is good rather than bad, and that therefore everyone deserves certain liberties and the right to pursue and achieve happiness in life.

The constitution makes the individual under its protection powerful and free. The New Enlightenment—the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement—is conscious evolution. Knowledge is power and the ability and right to have what you want and desire in life without shame or apology.

Prior to enlightenment

Mainstream beliefs prior to the Age of Enlightenment in Europe were much darker. There was basically one belief system and it was dictated to the masses by the Church of England. The primary view was of a sinful and untrustworthy human. In general, life on earth was believed to be punishment for sins.

With the advent of The Age of Enlightenment, the world breaks free of this dark era and the grip of degrading beliefs. We can largely credit Martin Luther for breaking free from that era and hence bringing about the original enlightenment.


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The basis of a new civilization

This movement to recognize the true nature of consciousness marks the beginning of a philosophy of human goodness on which to base a new civilization.

Based on my book, The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want,” I outline the requirements for a new civilization.

A new view of human nature will result in an entirely new kind of behavior and peaceful civilization.


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Altruistic  behavior

This not hard to do, because human nature and consciousness are altruistic. What we have experienced in the past 5000 years  is not an entirely accurate measure of our authentic nature or what we are capable of. The human race is capable of far more than present views suggest.


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The new enlightenment & the altruistic, autonomous movement outreach missions


  • Create a new planetary civilization based on human altruism and cooperation.
  • Create missions to help people and communities in need.
  • Help everyone to help other people.

We can heal areas of the globe that have experienced pain and struggle. We can end hunger and bring prosperity to everyone.


There are several new institutions that can potentially play a greater role in implication.


Police departments and / or the Criminal Justice System could be redesigned and used to heal social problems and advance civilization.

I introduce a new Criminal Justice System in my book, “The Solution….”  There is a supreme court act that would require all restorative justice options be exhausted before anyone could be incarcerated in any state. These restorative justice options would be constructive and would implement the healing of all social problems and crime.  The plan encompasses several chapters in my book.

Crime and fear will then be 100% eliminated in humanity’s future because it will not make any sense to commit crime in light of understanding.

What hurts one hurts all because we cannot gain at another person’s expense. Nor is there a single person in the world that has not at some level attracted and acquiesced to an event for which they claim victimization. That is just not how reality works.

You create your reality applies equally to all events. We cannot blame others for our problems. We are responsible for each event we create or are involved in. This in no way means we condone harmful actions. We must work to correct that which is harmful to any and all life on both inner and outer levels.



A new education system could also serve as an entity to help develop missions. I have a chapter devoted entirely to creating a new educational system in “The Solution….”



The other institution to help develop missions could be EN itself. I foresee missions covering the earth that would implement the changes desired.



Another option could be a new scientific establishment based on the concepts in this website and my book, “The Solution…”


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New science application

The journey of transformation (life is a journey, not a destination)

Read our articles from left to right.


A world of its own, it contains a never-ending network of information. Few souls have survived the educational labyrinth without transforming into a new identity. Ignorance cannot survive the journey.

This menu represents a mere fraction of our articles

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When you manifest something positive, such as a book that represents the truth and the answers you are seeking, maintain that book and whatever represents what you want in your life as best you can.  This creates an energy pathway for more of the same to come into your life. It also connects you with the author and all others who are connected to the object and/or information it represents.

This is the only way you can change the patterns in your life. If you want to materialize a better quality physical experience this is what you do. You bring what you want into your reality. I have done this and always have my favorite, most powerful books at arm's reach.

It was not necessarily easy to bring these books to you. Those who expose ignorance often pay a heavy price and many are shunned or attacked. This is true of people like Edgar Cayce, Nicola Tesla, David BohmRobert Jahn of Princeton and myself, William Eastwood.

I urge you to buy whatever books you can comfortably afford from your favorite metaphysical authors. There are many other benefits in doing so. A purchase is an affirmation of your manifesting power and prosperity, and it is a testament of your determination to improve yourself and your life.

Practically and symbolically, correctly made purchases are extremely important, not just to you but also to those who make these metaphysical books available to you.

As a heart pumps blood, the void created in each pulse draws in more blood, and this is how energy behaves. You must give or outflow energy to receive. In religion and spirituality this is behind the Golden Rule concept.

Your most valuable possession will always be yourself. If you do not invest in you, then you are saying that you are not important. Those who do not invest in improving themselves and their abilities, do not draw more (ability, quality, etc.) from the universe.

Learn to manifest quality and value in yourself. Learn the art and science of living a good life and manifesting what you want in life. Bring forth that which you seek.


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45 years of research goes into every book


ePub (eBook)






45 years of research goes into every book


The solution mind over matter book by William Eastwood ebook

What is stopping our evolution?


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Primary article concludes here.


What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement? Philosophy By William Eastwood

Copyright © 2019, 2020, By: William Eastwood


Categories: What is the Altruistic Movement? Altruistic, Autonomous Philosophy & William Eastwood. Institution reform movement. What is the inner judge? Does the bad judge and victim really exist? Is human nature altruistic? Is effective altruism effective? What is the new enlightenment? What is autonomous philosophy? Victim consciousness. Can thoughts form matter & create reality? Does consciousness form matter? Metaphysical philosophy. How to help humanity & solve social problems. Click on our site to learn more.


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HUMAN GOODNESS Philanthropy on the rise


Forbes on giving.

Wikipedia explains the effective altruism movement which is similar and highly beneficial.

Forbes on effective altruism.

William MacAskill is one of the founders of effective altruism..

Nonprofit quarterly on the need to feel good about giving.

Boston Review effective altruism excludes the poor.

New York Times on effective altruism.


Philanthropy Today on effective altruism.

Effectivealtruism.org, criticism.


What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement? Philosophy by William Eastwood

Identity unlocks potential

When we want to help the world we are looking in all the wrong places to do so. Basic misplaced values of civilization cause us to do more harm than good.

Good people do good things, but what if civilization defines the human being as being basically bad? What are the ramifications of this type of value?

More importantly, how accurate is it? Reveal the altruistic core of the human soul and its potential and all will become clear.






The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

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