It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying.

Max Tegmark (Click button for MIT paper)

Max Tegmark of MIT, says that consciousness is a state of matter.
An explanation of how consciousness creates matter is inherent in wave-particle duality. The concept of an alive universe, a universe entirely composed of consciousness, is supported by the greatest scientific discovery of all time.

In his 1924 Ph.D. thesis and groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory, Nobel Prize winner, Louis de Broglie postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties. This concept is known as wave–particle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.
De Broglie’s wave–particle duality is extended to all particles and the laws of nature. This tells us that everything has a wave aspect.
The next question is: “Does matter form the wave or does the wave form matter? It is pretty obvious what the answer is.
Does the Wave Create Matter or Does Matter Create the Wave?
- Your body’s motion does not create the idea to move.
- As all acts are preceded by an intent, be it on a conscious or subconscious level, all actions which form events are a result of information within the wave.
- Even the components of cells which continually replace their parts, do so according to the intent of the subconscious body consciousness.
- The complexity and order of your cells replacing their parts is not a haphazard, chance creation. In the same way, all matter is a result of the information that forms and composes the wave.
- The entire body has a nonphysical form that creates the physical body. The conscious energy of which the body is composed creates the physical body.
De Broglie was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1929.
His 1924 thesis (Research on the Theory of the Quanta) based on the work of Max Planck and Albert Einstein on light, resulted in the de Broglie hypothesis that any moving particle or object had an associated wave. De Broglie thus created a new field in physics, or wave mechanics, uniting the physics of energy (wave) and matter (particle).
De Broglie developed a causal explanation of wave mechanics, which was refined by David Bohm in the 1950s. The theory has since been known as the De Broglie–Bohm theory. His theory was supported by Einstein, and confirmed by G P Thomson, Davisson, Germer and Schrödinger.
These theories are tested and proven to be facts. We know that quantum mechanics is correct because the mathematical algorithms are consistently relied upon in scientific applications and to build advanced scientific devices that work amazingly well.
In reality, nothing is solid
- Physicists know that nothing is solid.
- Solidity is a result of how our five senses react to non-solid energy.
- If we can’t pass through energy, we consider it solid, and so it functions as a solid in practical terms, but regardless of the fact that nothing is truly solid.
- All physical matter is composed of fields of energy.
- There is no duration to matter, it is continually generated in the same way light is when you turn a light switch on.
- Conscious Energy Units (CEUs) form matter in the same way photons form light. Both travel at the speed of light.
- Fields form matter.
What is a field or wave of energy?
Reality is composed of non-solid fields of electrical energy. Waves are disturbances in those fields. Waves are the closest we get to particles, but truth be said, there are no particles because waves are just energy moving around. That energy, however, is filled with information.
The wave-aspect of anything in nature is an energy field that contains huge amounts of information.
What is a thought but an energy field containing information?
Both waves of matter and thoughts are electromagnetic energy. Matter and waves are the same thing. The facts are right in front of us.
When we look at a tree we don’t see the roots, but we know a tree has roots. The same principle holds true for you. You are not just a machine hanging in the air with no inner source of nourishment.

Friend of Albert Einstein and author of “Quantum Physics,” the classic 1950’s university texbook, physicist David Bohm gives us a scientific paradigm that includes a source from which we get our substance and create events.
Even if it appears to be hidden from view, the inner portion of you exists as surely as trees have roots. You do not start running out of energy the day you are born. You are replenished with new energy and reborn and recreated continuously