When I was in grade school I used to say, “I like my lucky when the sun comes out,” and I was a natural at finding money and treasures everywhere. Sunshine, perfect spring mornings, warmth and love all have distinct positive feelings associated with them. Receiving money does too.

Generate all these kinds of positive feelings to make equally good things happen. The feeling of expecting delightful surprises manifests the same. That feeling of beautiful sunshine combined with emotional memories of finding money and the expectation of finding more was what I called “my lucky.” I would look around the ground where people often dropped money with the expectation and feeling of finding more first and foremost in my mind.

I would even project the expectation someone lost money and of arriving in the right area at the right time to find it. (All time is simultaneous, and so we need to create “past” events to make present events possible.) One time at a laundromat I told my mother who was driving our car not to leave. I said that the person I was looking at was going to drop money and drive away. The person dropped a five dollar bill, which was a lot for a ten-year-old. My mother was amazed and said “how did you know she was going to do that?” I said “I just did.”
Adults cannot always do what I am describing here because of conflicting beliefs about what is or is not possible, and contrary expectations, doubts and negative emotions. There is a lot of experience that adults call up whenever they think about a subject. Ideas like “that can’t happen,” or “it never works that way for me,” will always be attached to propositions. Fear and resentment felt at any time during the day can destroy any prospects of good luck at any other time during the day. As a child I would naturally not project doubts and negative ideas the way adults typically do.

You can gather all your best feelings together and amplify and direct them. Do this while generating the expectation of acquisition and you have a formula that will work. You can project that you will get everything right and all conditions will be right, and everything will fall together.
To manifest like a wizard, it’s like being a conductor in an orchestra. You are orchestrating and projecting emotional energies and expectation to create events and objects.
As a child I would generate an emotional feeling of expecting to find money. When I was in areas around pay phones or under decks I expected to find money. I would remember all the times I found money in the past and the feelings I had as I was discovering it. I would relive those moments emotionally. Then I would imagine finding even more. I would picture it on the ground or in the return change slot of the payphone.
Just thinking about those areas where I found money put me on the right wavelength. As if by magic good luck, what I wanted most would appear before me. When I was young, sunshine meant sunny feelings. I liked my lucky when the sun came out.