You Are a Beautiful Person – Key to Freedom
Published Septemeber 10th, 2018
308 page paperback
1st review:
By Scott Aronson:
Reading it was like going down a rabbit hole and coming out in a new reality with my dreams within my reach for the first time. All Eastwood’s books are good, but this “manifesting dreams” book is truly an amazing and extensive read. The last part of this book was a bonus that gave me a look into the underlying reasons for bullying and social issues as only Eastwood can. A good guide to eliminate victimization in all its forms. His suggestion that legislators should read it is a very insightful point to stress since it can heal social problems in an unexpected revolutionary way.
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Brand new groundbreaking revelatory material.
Set you free to accomplish your heart’s desires in life. Basis of the Key series and loaded with information.
308 pages of highly practical instructions to advance yourself far beyond the norm. Soar!