Thoughts Form Matter: Consciousness Creates Reality
- Do your thoughts form matter?
- Does consciousness create reality?
- What is the holographic universe?
I will answer these questions now.
“The problems we are experiencing in the world today are due to fake news and misinformation. This doesn’t just apply to conspiracy theories. It also applies to mainstream beliefs.”
— William Eastwood.

“You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”
— William Eastwood.
David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the inner “implicate order,” which Eastwood says is projected by the mind to form the universe.
Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)

—Hugh Everett III
Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.
When you view the nature of the universe through the lens of Internal Science and International Philosophy you get a different kind of world, full of love and meaning. It is a completely different form of science and philosophy that is immensely practical.
Revolutionary science

Intuition is direct knowing; intellect is having to figure out what is true because of a lack of direct knowing. Animal intelligence is not inferior to human intelligence, it is just different, and what we call instinct is actually direct knowing without thinking.
There is no evolution in time because all times exist now. Einstein began to realize this later in his life. We did not evolve into a superior species. We are consciousnesses as is everything, and consciousness has many types of intelligence and senses.
The heart and brain are receivers. The heart is intuitive. The heart just knows. It is also the part of you that keeps you alive. The body is involved with direct knowing.
Revolutionary Science takes all of this into account. Internal Science is the study of the infinite, timeless, multidimensional reality we as eternal consciousness, create. Only consciousness can probe into our vast inner reality.

Objective science, by its nature, filters out love and meaning. Its net cannot catch anything that matters and so of course its conclusion is a meaningless universe. My view of reality is not objective, but subjective. A different kind of science is involved, and this is why I describe it as revolutionary.
Reality or consciousness is drenched in meaning and love. Love is at its center and forms even the least significant seeming object.
Reality is love and beauty. There is nothing else. Atoms are manifestations of magic and love. There is no such thing as a cold, detached and unknown dead physical object in the way traditional science has thought of an atom or physical object. Instead, objects are illusions that are projections of our senses.
There is a reality behind the image we see. Objects are living projections of consciousness. An object is an action. There are no nouns. A person, place or thing is an event. Each “thing” is full of multidimensional light and meaning. It is an expression of consciousness spiraling endlessly through dimensions and revealing a different face in any given world.
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Because our societies do not generally recognize the spiritual goodness within the physical world, we have tried to inoculate ourselves from ourselves.
Everything seems to be against us. From viruses to the Department of Motor Vehicles, the objective world seems to be out to get us. Our institutions, for example, do not trust us and therefore we are held in bonds. We are not really free until we recognize we are and realize our complete rightness, goodness and vitality.
Overall, philosophies and cults arising from both religion and science have taught us to hate ourselves, our bodies and our nature. We cannot fully accept our vitality and rightness. As a result, many people have become bitter toward others. Nor can we understand reality, find happiness and achieve our goals. We must be in the right paradigm first.
Everything important comes through other people. Your job or career, your customers and profits, friendships and lovers.
If you do not already firmly believe people are good, your life will have many voids. Kindness, friendship and opportunities will be in short supply.

Affirmations like, “people like me and I like people,” or “the universe is a friendly place and all the help and money I need is everywhere,” are what you should be telling yourself every day.
This is how you use the law of attraction and the law that beliefs create in the most intelligent and effective way possible.
Your worldview is your key to success. The firm conviction that people are good is the bedrock of a solid worldview. This core belief will ensure a long, rich, fulfilling and thriving life.
It will certainly bring you love, friendship and happiness in life..
Cause and symptoms of depression

When we are depressed, the universe seems to be random and unsympathetic, even cruel. We become victims of everything.
Some people spend their entire lives holding this core belief, and they might not even be aware of it. They live as though they are victims to their circumstances.
The world, to them, is threatening and something to protect themselves from. Because their beliefs form their reality, this is what they manifest as their reality.
Focusing on human goodness is one of the best things you can do. If you want prosperity and happiness, consider how good people really are, yourself included.
Punishment is a human concept based on the idea that we are broken.
Even if you do not punish yourself consciously, it is common to have achievement ceilings related to one’s internal sense of how much they deserve.
Your thoughts form matter as automatically as you breath

You create events with your thoughts as automatically and effortlessly as you create words when you speak. You do not consciously make your heart beat, digest your food or speak words, it just happens with your intent.
You do not tell the cells what to do in your leg to walk across the floor, you just visualize, desire and intend a destination and your body does all the work to bring you to that destination.
Over 60 trillion cells do all the work for you.
Your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, desires and intent create events in the same way your intent is followed through by 60+ trillion cells. It is as certain as your breathing. It is all taken care of for you on a subconscious level.

Events are expression. They are a reflection of the person who creates them. They are composed of the originator’s psychological energy. For this reason, your environment is a mirror of your thoughts and emotions.
There is a knack and skill for creating positive events that is a dance between your thoughts and actions. You must act on your thoughts in the most logical and efficient ways to create things, but you must also be open to new ways of bringing things into your life. Most important is to read events properly and to continue to focus on receiving what you desire. Focus on the wish fulfilled and work with the mind to attract the most desirable events available to you.
Your free will is limited according to the range of probabilities open for manifestation. Your conscious thought determines the available probable experiences. You must think on the subjects you wish to materialize. The more thinking is done on what you want the greater the probabilities available.
To increase your range of available choices in life, contemplate and obtain the psychological state that would occur if you had already achieved your goals.
How to create what you desire
Applying the principle that thoughts create matter is easy when you know how.
We must first learn and understand different methods that work. Faith (I do not mean religious faith) is central and key to the process. The thoughts create matter formula is very simple.
To manifest effectively, it is necessary to take a certain stance toward reality that is based on understanding and trust. We attract and receive our desires by reveling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
When we have learned through trial and error, we know we will get results and so we trust the universe to deliver.
Read more.... (International Philosophy.)
Information like this can be found in all our 500 free articles and in my books.
Thoughts form matter in the same way your intent forms words

The words on a computer monitor, phone, or book do not contain the information they convey. When a person talks to you, the words you hear do not contain the insights they are communicating to you.
So, where is the information?
When you learned the alphabet in grade school you learned to attribute meaning to letters, words and sentences.
At one time you had to learn what a house was. After you learned what a house was, then you learned to associate that experience with the letters in the word “house.”
Sometime before preschool the word “house” was meaningless to you. It is only after you gain experience and are taught what words represent that you can seem to glean information from written and spoken language. Therefore, the information comes from within you.

When you read a book, you are activating memories and experiences within yourself. Those memories and experiences do not come from the book. The book does not contain any information to be passed to you but only triggers recall in you.
When a house is mentioned in conversation you retrieve that inner knowledge about what a house is compiled within you in accordance with all your experiences and memories associated with the meaning of “house.”
The information as to what the words or letters mean is in your own head. It is not in the book, and it is not in the words people speak.

This is an important point because the same holds true of physical objects and events. They are symbols that stand for something else.
Every object and event are a materialization of the much richer and more amazing primary psychological causal reality.
The wave state of matter physicists have recently discovered, is only an initial hint and glimmering of a reality, that once discovered will transform our civilization’s understanding of reality.
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Thoughts Form Matter: Consciousness Creates Reality
© Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood
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Categories: A new nonclassical science disproves classical physics. Can thoughts form matter? Yes, regardless of what anyone says, thoughts do form matter. Thoughts are the first stage of matter. Consciousness creates matter and reality. Learn the science and application here: Thoughts form matter, quantum physics. Thoughts can and do form matter, and influence events and reality. Learn how your consciousness (mind) can influence people and events. Metaphysical manifesting self-help books. Click on our site and books to learn more.